Tips: change parameters in BSI and Engine ECU with Diagbox

Car model and year:

Brazilian 308 1.6, EC5 “flex” engine

Device I bought and use:

  • Cruise control stalk
  • PP2000 diagnostic interface

I bought lexia 3 PP2000 with diagbox V7.57 from

My purpose:

To Change parameters in the Engine BSI and ECU


I’ve installed Diagbox V7.57 and succeeded to change the parameters in the BSI, but when I try to change the parameters in the Engine ECU it doesn’t work.


The option is there, but if I click in “Present” nothing happens, and the choose box still shows “Missing”.

Solution and Tips:

The ECU & BSI have to be enabled in the correct order. If the wrong order is used you end up in the situation you are in.

Try disabling cruise in the BSI, Setting the ECU option to present then go back to the BSI and re-enable it.

This is from obd tool website technical support: Tips: change parameters in BSI and Engine ECU with Diagbox